Melting Rainbows is multi-faceted art project conceived by visual artist Aaron Axelrod. It is part performance art, part video art, and part photography. Created out of the vacuum in the artists practice to not only create in the solitude and loneliness of a studio setting, but to feed off of energy of a crowd. The other component is that with all other works that get created, it is the final result that gets all the attention and acknowledgement, Melting Rainbows is the complete opposite, it is all about the process, there is no ending, it is always different and for ever changing.
Melting Rainbows is at heart a work that's about the journey not the destination. As a performance piece Axelrod created the "Rainbow Melter”, a contraption that he pours paint and smears his face onto, to music, and in real time is projected onto a dome theater or planetarium. The result is a multi colored melting rainbow shower that is all consuming on the audience, like a live Northern Lights experience made of paint. The photographic work comes from specific stills during a performance.